
Peter Pessl

Security Architect

Infineon Technologies


I am a Security Architect at Infineon Technologies, Munich. Before that, I was a PhD student and Postdoc in the Secure Systems group at the Institute of Applied Information Processing and Communications at Graz University of Technology . There, I performed research on implementation attacks (side channels and faults) and respective countermeasures for cryptographic primitives. In particular, I focused on implementation security of lattice-based cryptography and other quantum-secure schemes.


  • Implementation Security
  • Post-Quantum Cryptography
  • Efficient Implementations


  • PhD in Computer Science, 2018

    Graz University of Technology

  • MSc in Information and Computer Engineering, 2014

    Graz University of Technology

  • BSc in Information and Computer Engineering, 2011

    Graz University of Technology


Correction Fault Attacks on Randomized CRYSTALS-Dilithium. IACR TCHES 2024.

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Belief Propagation Meets Lattice Reduction: Security Estimates for Error-Tolerant Key Recovery from Decryption Errors. IACR TCHES 2023.

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Higher-Order Masked Ciphertext Comparison for Lattice-Based Cryptography. IACR TCHES 2022.

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Fault-Enabled Chosen-Ciphertext Attacks on Kyber. INDOCRYPT 2021.

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Fault Attacks on CCA-secure Lattice KEMs. IACR TCHES 2021.

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Single-Trace Attacks on Keccak. IACR TCHES 2020.

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More Practical Single-Trace Attacks on the Number Theoretic Transform. LATINCRYPT 2019.

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Differential Fault Attacks on Deterministic Lattice Signatures. IACR TCHES 2018.

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Single-Trace Side-Channel Attacks on Masked Lattice-Based Encryption. CHES 2017.

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To BLISS-B or not to be: Attacking strongSwan's Implementation of Post-Quantum Signatures. ACM CCS 2017.

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Analyzing the Shuffling Side-Channel Countermeasure for Lattice-Based Signatures. INDOCRYPT 2016.

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DRAMA: Exploiting DRAM Addressing for Cross-CPU Attacks. USENIX Security Symposium 2016.

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Enhancing Side-Channel Analysis of Binary-Field Multiplication with Bit Reliability. CT-RSA 2016.

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Curved Tags - A Low-Resource ECDSA Implementation Tailored for RFID. RFIDSec 2014.


Pushing the Limits of SHA-3 Hardware Implementations to Fit on RFID. CHES 2013.

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At Graz University of Technology, I taught the following courses.

  • Introduction to Information Security (practicals 2015 , 2016 , 2017 , 2018 )
    Undergraduate course, programming exercises teaching the basics of information security.

  • Information Security (practicals 2019 )
    Undergraduate course, programming exercises teaching the basics of information security.

  • Embedded Security (lecture and practicals 2017 , 2018 )
    Graduate course on physical implementation attacks (power analysis, fault attacks) and countermeasures.

I also supervised several master and bachelor theses on side-channel attacks and efficient implementations of cryptography.

Besides, I held tutorials on side-channel attacks at the Graz Security Week (2017, 2018, 2019).


Program Committee

External Reviewer

Subreviewer for many other conferences and journals, such as ACNS, ASIACRYPT, CARDIS, CHES, CRYPTO, COSADE, CT-RSA, DATE, JCEN, PQCRYPTO, SAC

